A while back we went through to Cape Town on a complete
different adventure which landed up not happening so we took the opportunity to
do a little exploring and ventured up Kloof Street. The main reason was to find
the Bombay Bicycle club (this strangely enough is also part of Madam Zingaras
group) which I'd heard about a few times and was rather curious. It's hard to miss with their massive Jollywood sign on
the roof and the car balancing next to it. When we got there they told us their
kitchen wasn’t open yet –really disappointing because the menu looked delicious. In hind-sight it was probably a good thing ,because the décor is so crazy I don’t know if I
would have been able to keep my eyes on my plate. One of the tables even has
swings suspended from the ceiling instead of chairs. The theme seems to change like Cape Towns weather so there's always something new happening.
After we left the Bicycle club we wondered down the road to
the giant post box we saw on the way up to investigate further. This is not the Post office is one of the most exciting places you’ll ever stumble upon. I
can only describe it as an Alice in Wonderland meets Nania meets Harry Potters
under the staircase room meets some wonderful
magical carpet ride. It’s a hoarders dream with nik-naks and sparkly things
from floor to ceiling and like Mary Poppins carpet bag it just keeps on going the more you look around.
This is not the Post Office is open mondays to fridays from 10:30 till 6pm
Saturdays from 10:30 till 5 and sundays from 11 till 4pm
you can find it at the top of Kloof street (number 114)
or you can phone them on 021 423 7817 if you get lost
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